SAP sponsored event – Bodies in Context: Epistemological Considerations for a Diverse Society

The Department of Philosophy is thrilled to be hosting the BU Graduate Student Philosophy Conference again this year on March 31 – April 1, 2023. The topic for this year’s conference is Bodies in Context: Epistemological Considerations for a Diverse Society.

Our two-day, in person conference will feature seven graduate student presentations and a keynote address. We will also offer a roundtable on Diversity in Academia, exploring the role that philosophy can play in fostering a more diverse and equitable environment.

This event has been organized by PhD students Matilde Carrera, Casey Grippo, Jack Harris, and Lewis Wang. The event is also generously sponsored by The Society for Applied Philosophy, BU Diversity and Inclusion, The Karbank Fellowship and Professor Dahlstrom‘s fund. We thank all our generous sponsor, our speakers, our fellow PhD students in the Philosophy Department, and everybody in attendance for making this event possible.

Land Acknowledgement: We acknowledge that the territory on which Boston University stands is that of The Wampanoag and The Massachusett People. Classrooms and BU’s campus are places to honor and respect the history and continued efforts of the Native and Indigenous community leaders who make up Eastern Massachusetts and the surrounding region. This statement is one small step in acknowledging the history that brought us to reside on the land, and to help us seek understanding of our place within that history. Ownership of land is itself a colonial concept; many tribes had seasonal relationships with the land we currently inhabit. Today, Boston is still home to indigenous peoples, including the Mashpee Wampanoag and Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah). For more information, please visit the North American Indian Center of Boston and the Commission on Indian Affairs of the State of Massachusetts.

Click here for the Conference Program.