We are pleased to invite you to the 2nd Annual Cambridge Women in Philosophy Conference “Producing, Reproducing and Dismantling the Gendered Academy”.
Date: Thursday 8th June 2017
Venue: Room G.21, Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University
This year’s conference aims to explore and challenge women’s under-representation in philosophy in three ways. Firstly, by discussing the often-overlooked work of women philosophers, we hope to highlight their legacies and contributions to the discipline. Secondly, by analysing how gender imbalances are reproduced within academic philosophy, we aim to identify effective strategies to counteract these inequalities. Finally, and most importantly, we seek to celebrate the work of contemporary women philosophers, from graduate students to early career researchers and accomplished academics, thus securing space within philosophy for such work to thrive.
·Sophia Connell: “Cambridge Women Philosophers 1920-1950: The Struggle to be a Woman in Philosophy”
·Yung In Chae: “The Myth of Patriarchy and the Patriarchy of Myth: Classical Resonances in Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex”
·Karen Margrethe Nielsen: “Aristotle, Precision, and the Aims of Feminist Philosophy”
·Frederique Janssen-Lauret: “Female Early Analytic Philosophers on Logic and Metaphysics”
·Sarah Franklin: “Sexism as a Means of Reproduction”
·Helen Beebee: “Dismantling the Gendered Academy: Pessimism or Optimism?”
·Roundtable: “What Now?” (Chair: Ellisif Wasmuth)
The conference is free and open to all, but registration is required.
Please register here:
Further information about the conference can be found on this philevents page:
The event page includes accessibility information. Please direct any questions to the conference organisers.
We are grateful for the generous support of British Society for the History of Philosophy (BSHP), Cambridge School of Arts and Humanities, Society for Women in Philosophy UK (SWiP UK) and Society for Applied Philosophy (SAP).