Our conference has the dual aim of showcasing the highest quality postgraduate work in philosophy and finding creative ways to meet the needs of current graduate students.
The BPPA Annual Conference began in 1997 and will reach its 17th successive year in 2013. Our conference has the dual aim of showcasing the highest quality postgraduate work in philosophy and finding creative ways to meet the needs of current graduate students. Our format combines a traditional two-day postgraduate philosophy conference with an entire day devoted to career preparation. To our knowledge, this is a combination offered by no other graduate philosophy conference in the world.
As part of the Careers Day, Glasgow will be providing the opportunity for up to ten postgraduates to experience mock interviews and to receive feedback on their performance. We will also conduct an original piece of research aimed at capturing a snapshot of the publication history of new hires in UK departments. We feel that this will be of wide ranging benefit to the postgraduate community in particular, and the broader philosophical community in general, by supplementing the anecdotal evidence concerning required levels of publication. We intend to analyse the data against age and gender demographics to discover whether any patterns emerge along these variables.
Keynote speakers: Professor Helen Beebee (University of Manchester) and Professor Ernest Sosa (Rutgers).
The conference is open to all.